OOS 3-20-22

OOS- 3-20-22
“That Was Then, This Is Now”
Led by Amy Abel

Thank you to our Worship Partner: George Johnson; our Tech Host: Tracey Wysor: and our Lay Pastoral Care Associate: Kamila Barzykowski.

Welcome and Announcements

Chalice Lighting

Prelude: Gentle Sunshine by K. Rebecca 

Opening Words: #442 We Bid You Welcome

Opening Hymn:  #361 Enter enjoy and Come In

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Joys and Sorrows:  Melodie by I. Brull


Offering:  Here at Westminster, we share our plate 50/50 with an organization whose mission aligns with our values. Our March Share the Plate recipient is The Women’s Resource Center. Their mission is the prevention of domestic violence and providing support service to individuals in Newport and Bristol Counties. Since 1977, the Women’s Resource Center has been a listening ear, a helping hand, and in some cases, a lifeline to individuals experiencing domestic violence. They provide their services to those in need at no charge. The other half of the collection will be used to fund the work of our congregation here at Westminster. To donate:

Offertory: Prelude U. Litovko

Reading –  Pete Seeger


Closing Hymn:  #298 We Would be One

Closing Words: 

Carry the Flame