What does it mean to be lucky people? Is good fortune a creation we can bring to pass on our own or are we far more dependent on external circumstances?
Rev. Phyllis B. O’Connell recently retired from parish ministry after 25 years. She served the Melrose UU Church for ten years and the UU Society of Wellesley Hills for nine years and served local congregations as an interim minister for six years. In retirement, she guest preaches and leads workshops called “Exploring Issues in Retirement” and has a chapter in the book , “Landscapes of Aging and Spirituality”, published by Skinner House. Twice she has provided extended ministerial coverage for the Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington (Vt.) while their senior minister was on leave. Phyllis lives in Newton. She has two grown daughters, and two grandsons (ages 5 and 2.) She enjoys opera, traveling, good movies, guest preaching, plays the flute in the New Horizons Community band in Wayland and is so happy to have the freedom in retirement to read whatever strikes her fancy now that she’s no longer looking for sermon ideas each week.
- Two services at 9am and 11am in the Sanctuary
- Religious Education classes for children and youth at 9am
- Nursery care for children ages 6months to 4years at 9am
- The choir sings at 11am