OOS 7-5-20

Order of Service 7-5-20
Led by James Tull and Karina Lutz

Welcome and Announcements by Stephen Conlon, Worship Partner

Chalice Lighting

Sermon Part I – Works to Reconnect

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service its law
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Joys and Sorrows with music played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian

Gratitude Exercise


Our Share the Plate this summer will be: The National Bail Out Collective, a Black-led and Black-centered collective of abolitionist organizers, lawyers and activists who are building a community-based movement to support folks and end systems of pretrial detention and ultimately mass incarceration. To donate go to  www.westminsteruu.org/donate. To read more about NBO click here.

Offertory Music played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian

Sermon Part II: Honoring the Pain

Sermon Part III: Seeing with New Eyes

Sermon Part IV: Going Forth

Carry the Flame

Coffee Hour Breakouts