OOS for 2-21-21
10:00 AM
Led by Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs
Thank you to our Worship Partner Carolyn Mark
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting by Paula Gunn Allen
Prelude: Fantasia D Minor by G F. Handel, played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian
Opening Words: “Merging Streams” by Winola LaDuke
Opening Hymn: #207 Earth Was Given as a Garden
Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
Joys and Sorrows: Berceuse by A. Labolida, played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian
Offering: Here at Westminster, we share our offering every month with a different organization that shares our values or our mission. Our February Share the Plate is the Elizabeth Buffum Chace Center, which offers short-term, safe, confidential shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and their children. In addition to providing for all basic needs, the center encourages residents to participate in a program that includes education about domestic violence, parenting and financial literacy. The Center also provides specialized children’s services, law enforcement advocacy, professional training, support services and referrals. All this allows clients to take the next steps toward self-sufficiency. To donate go to: www.westminsteruu.org/donate.
Offertory: Shimmering Rainbow by M. Mier, played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian.
Reading from John (Fire) Lame Deer, “Being Civilized”
Sermon: Discovering America Again
Closing Song: #298 Wake, Now, My Senses
Closing Words
Carry the Flame of Peace and Love Until We Meet Again performed by the WUC Congregation and played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian