OOS 4-11-21

OOS 4-11-21
“Belonging, Becoming and Beyond”
Led By Rev. Tandi Rogers

Thank you to our Worship Partner Al Jeffries

Welcome and Announcements

Chalice Lighting 

Prelude: Sonata in D moll by B. Galuppi played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian

Opening Words from Rev. Cynthia Landrum is the minister of the Universalist Unitarian (UU) Church of East Liberty in Clarklake, Michigan

Opening Hymn: #108 My Life Flows on in Endless Song

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission.
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace.
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another.

Joys and Sorrows:  Childhood Memories by D. Poupart Taussat played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian

Prayer by Kenneth P. Langer

Offering: Our April Share the Plate Recipient is ecoRI News, dedicated to reporting on environmental and social justice issues in southern New England. Through their reporting, they create a more informed public and provide individuals with the information they need to be better stewards of their environment. To donate please go to

Offertory: Longing by H. Kjerulf played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian

Reading: “Becoming” by Titilope Sonuga (born in Lagos) a Nigerian-Canadian poet, writer, actor and performance artist.

Interlude:  Dona Nobis Pacem sung by the Washington Ethical Society of DC

Sermon: “Belonging, Becoming and Beyond”

Closing Hymn:  Filled with Loving Kindness, lead by Mark David Buckles 

Closing Words

Carry the Flame performed by the WUC Congregations