OOS 10-24-21
“The Gospel of Doing Nothing”
Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras
Thank you to our Worship Partner Christine Ariel and our Ushers Tracey Wysor and Evan Wysor
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting by Lindsay Bates
Prelude Blooming Sakura by L. Orsa
Opening Words by Sara LaWall
Opening Hymn: #360 Here We Have Gathered
Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
Joys and Sorrows: Autumn Waltz by L. Orsa
Prayer by Rev. Gretchen Haley (adapted)
Meditative Music/Song in Response: #391 Voice Still and Small
Offering: This month, we share half our undesignated offering with our very own Sharing Locker. We reach out to anyone in Washington, Kent County and Cranston residents who need assistance by offering household goods, a seasonal farmer’s market, and/or pet food. To donate
Offertory: Tete-a-Tete by H. Yamazaki
Sermon written by Rev. Darcy Baxter
Closing Hymn: #298 Wake Now My Senses
Closing words
Carry the Flame in Peace and Love