OOS 12-19-21

OOS 12-19-21

Christmas Pageant
Based upon The Snow Tree by Caroline Repchuk
Created by Jenni Papp, DRE SouthWest UUC, North Royalton, Ohio Used in Worship on Dec. 23, 2018

Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras

Thank you to our Worship Partner Linda Hevenor, our Usher Kamila Barzykowski, and our Lay Pastoral Care Associate Sue Bollens

Thank you to our Christmas Pageant participants:

Wendy Warburton (adult) – Owl
Al Jeffries (adult)  Owl
Bobbi Scott (adult) – Squirrel
Alice Cialella (adult) – Deer
John Robinson (adult) Raccoon
Ronan Hevenor (youth) – Fox
Emmie Boone (child) – Hedgehog
Alex Cambre (youth) – Rabbit
Carson Cambre (adult) – Bear
Nancy Reed (adult)- Moose   

Welcome and Announcements 

Chalice Lighting by Jean L Wahlstrom 

Prelude: O Come Little Children by J. Schulz arr. by M. Kogut 

Call to Worship by Annie Foerster

Opening Hymn: #235 Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly 

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service its mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Reading: The Longest Night: a Solstice Meditation by Andrea Hawkins-Kamper

Solstice Pageant, Part I

Joys & Sorrows: Beautiful Christmas by M. Wilson 

Meditation by Rev. Christine C. Robinson

Reflection by Jessica Hess

Solstice Pageant, Part II

Offering: Our December Share the Plate Recipient Is McAuley House in Providence. They open their doors at 8 AM Monday through Friday and welcome guests to join them for a day of food, fellowship, program activities, and much-needed social services in a safe and comforting atmosphere. The goal is to better the lives of the poor and hungry. To donate

Offertory: Away in a Manger in a setting of Brahms Lullaby by J. Murray arr. by E. Tufenkjian

Benediction: Merry Yuletide and Blessings to all of you!

Carry the Flame in Peace and Love