OOS 1-9-2022

OOS 1-09-22
Wisdom of Wild Things
Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras

Thank you to our Worship Partner Christine Ariel and our Lay Pastoral Care Associate Kamila Barzyokowski

Welcome and Announcements 

Chalice Lighting  by Robin F. Gray

Prelude: Song Without Words by L.Orsa

Opening Words by Rev. Karen Johnston (adapted)

Opening Hymn: #389 Gathered Here

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.    

Joys and Sorrows Meditation by Rev. Vanessa Southern (adapted)

Offering: As the cold winter season begins our Share the Plate recipient for January is the Rhode Island Coalition to End Homelessness. A statewide non-profit with individual and organizational members to pursue comprehensive and cooperative solutions to prevent and end homelessness. To donate go to:

Offertory: VI by J. de Groot

With 3 stories from:All Creation Waits” by Gayle Boss

And 3 musical meditations:
Meditation on Breathing by Sarah Dan Jones. Sung by Not Your Mama’s Hymns
May I Be Filled With Loving Kindness by Ian Riddle. Sung by Jess Huetteman
Rising Green by C. McDade. Performed by UUSM Choir

Closing hymn: Life Calls Us On 

Closing words 

Carry the Flame in Peace and Love