OOS 4-3-22

OOS 4-03-22
Awakening to Change
Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras

Thank you to our volunteers for today’s service.
Worship Partner: Carolyn Mark
Usher:  Al Jeffries
Lay Pastoral Team Associate: Kamila Barzykowski


Welcome and Announcements

Chalice Lighting  by Reena Kondo        

Prelude: Polonaise in F by J.S. Bach

Opening Words by Rev. Gretchen Haley

Opening Hymn: #38 Morning Has Broken

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.    

Joys and Sorrows: The Light of Happiness by K. Rebecca

Prayer by Rev Andy Pakula

Song in Response: #1011 Return Again

Offering: Our April Recipient of Share the Plate Is Doctors Without Borders. Doctors Without Borders provides impartial medical relief to the victims of war, disease, and natural or man-made disaster, without regard to race, religion, or political affiliation. The organization provides medical aid where it’s needed most—independent, neutral, and impartial.  To donate 

Offertory: Images de Rebecca by Th. Chauve



Closing Hymn

Closing Words 

Carry the Flame