OOS 5-1-22
Seeking the Spirit of the Child
Led by Rev. May Doane and Sylvia Foster
Thank you to our Worship Partner: Al Jeffries and our Usher Renee Bucklin
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting
Prelude: Selections from Children’s Album, op.39, Tchaikovsky: No. 21 Sweet Dream No. 9 Waltz
Opening Words
Opening Hymn: #338 I Seek the Spirit of the Child
Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
Joys and Sorrows:
Offering: Our March Share the Plate is The Sharing Locker’s Farmer’s Market. For four years now The Sharing locker has partnered with West Bay Community Action, URI’s S.N.A.P. /food assistance outreach, and West Bay Farm to provide farm-fresh produce four months of the year to our Sharing Locker Clients, many of whom may lack access to fresh, healthy produce. Due to the pandemic, the senior/disabled $15 vouchers, a vital piece of this effort were curtailed. We are looking to close the gap to continue the Farmer’s Market effort in this upcoming season. To donate go to:
Offertory Music: Selections from Album for the Young, op.68 Schumann Mignon Kleine Studie
Special Music: Selections from Pictures of Childhood, A. Khachaturian No. 1 A Little Song No. 2 scherzo
Sermon: Seeking the Spirit of the Child
Closing Hymn: #301 Touch the Earth, Reach the Sky
Closing Words
Carry the Flame
“Pictures from our Childhood”