OOS 5-8-2022
A Bouquet of Mothers
Led by Liz Roper
Thank you to our volunteers: Worship Partner Sarah Quigg; Usher: Paula Greenwood; Tech Host Tracey Wysor
Welcome and Announcement
Chalice Lighting By Claudene (Deane) Oliva
Prelude: Berceuse by M. A. Labolida
Opening Words by Leah Ongiri
Opening Hymn: #361 Enter, Rejoice, and Come In
Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
Joys and Sorrows: A Mother’s Prayer by C.B. Sager and D.Foster
Prayer by Lisa Bovee-Kemper
Time for All Ages: Just Like a Mama
Offering: Our May Share the Plate Recipient is The Sharing Locker’s Farmer’s Market For 4 years now The Sharing locker has partnered with West Bay Community Action, URI’s S.N.A.P. / food assistance outreach, and West Bay Farm to provide farm-fresh produce 4 months of the year to our Sharing Locker Clients, many of whom may lack access to fresh, healthy produce. Due to the pandemic a vital piece of this effort was curtailed—the senior/disabled $15 vouchers. We are looking to close the gap to continue the Farmer’s Market effort in this upcoming season. To donate
Offertory: Impromptu (op 142 Theme) by F.Schubert
Hymn: #346 Come, Sing a Song with Me
Sermon: A Bouquet of Mothers
Flower Communion
Hymn: #1002, Comfort Me
Closing Hymn: #1053, How Could Anyone
Closing Words by Selena Fox
Carry the Flame