OOS 06-26-22
Dearest Desmond – a remembrance of the beautiful life of Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Led by Stephen Conlon
Thank you to our Worship Partner Al Jeffries and our Ushers Sandra Norris and Mort White
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting from The Book of Joy – a conversation between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu
Prelude: For a Rainbow Nation – sitar music played by Srivinas Reddy
Opening Words: Peace Through Active Nonviolence – Martin Luther King Remembrance (adapted) by Joanne Friday
Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
Joys and Sorrows
Offering: Our Summer Share the Plate Recipient Is Recycle-a-Bike of Providence. Recycle-a-Bike’s Mission is educating, empowering, and building community by connecting people and bicycles. By learning and sharing bike maintenance knowledge, people learn to believe in themselves and their community. Recycle-A-Bike’s programs make the simple technology of pedal powered machines available to all with the help of a volunteer staff and general community skill sharing. Recycle-a-Bike also takes donations of rideable, unwanted bikes, and bicycle parts. To donate go to:
Offertory: Srivinas Reddy playing sitar
Reading: “Arch-enemy of Injustice” Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s life fighting against injustice, hatred, and violence.
Mediation & Music: Guided meditation accompanied by music on sitar
Reading – followed by video Laughter, joy, and Ubuntu
Homily: “Remembering the Life of Desmond Tutu”
Closing hymn (Surprise)
Closing words
Carry the Flame