OOS 8-14-2022
Drumming Circle
Led by Bob Walker and John Walker
Opening Prelude: Kora Instrumental by John Walker
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting by Paul Sprecher
Opening Words: Okay, What is a Drumming Circle?
Opening Hymn: A group OHMMMMMM/guided meditation (2 to 4 minutes) by/with the congregation.
Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
Drumming Session:15-20 Minutes
Joys and Sorrows
Offering: Our Summer Share the Plate Recipient Is Recycle-a-Bike of Providence. Recycle-a-Bike’s Mission is educating, empowering, and building community by connecting people and bicycles. People learn to believe in themselves and their community by learning and sharing bike maintenance knowledge. Recycle-A-Bike’s programs make the simple technology of pedal-powered machines available to all with the help of volunteer staff and general community skill sharing. Recycle-a-Bike also takes donations of rideable, unwanted bikes, and bicycle parts. To donate go to:
Extended quotes from Martin Prechtel read by John Walker
Tibetan Color Visualization Meditation
Drumming Session: 15-20 Minutes
Closing Hymn: #1064 Blue Boat Home
Closing Words by Ringo Starr
Carry the Flame