OOS 11-27-22

OOS 11/27/2022
“How We Return Thanks”
Led by Rev. Eric Cherry

At this time of year, I often remember an interview with the singer/songwriter and World Hunger year champion, Harry Chapin, in the early 1980s. He imagined a conversation that a public school teacher could have with her class, congratulating the class on the tremendous outpouring of support for the food insecurity that they had organized before Thanksgiving. It was amazing – hundreds of families were provided with a delicious and sustaining meal. But, she said, “there’s one problem, and we’re going to deal with it. Instead of regular classes tomorrow, we’re going to have a special day to focus on what the people we supported for Thanksgiving are going to eat next week.”

On this Sunday after Thanksgiving, let’s consider how we “Return Thanks” throughout the year.

Soul Matters Theme: Change

Thank you to our Worship Partner: Renee Bucklin; Ushers: Bobbi Scott and Paula Greenwood; Tech Host: Jolanda Walter

Welcome and Announcements

Chalice Lighting by the poet Adrienne Rich:

Prelude: November Sunrise by E. Weiss

Opening Words

Opening Hymn: #1017 We are Building a New Way

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service its mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Time for All Ages and DRE Farewell

Joys and Sorrows

Piano Interlude: Rei by D. Poupart Taussat

Prayer:  Simple Parts of Faith by Atena O. Danner

Sung Response: #1010 O We Give Thanks

Call for the Offering: Stewardship Testimonial by Amy Abel

Westminster’s Share the plate for November is Edesia Nutrition 

Founded in 2010, the non-profit Edesia produces specialized foods that target the different stages of malnutrition. They partner with humanitarian aid organizations like UNICEF, WFP, and USAID which distribute their products all over the world. Edesia is based in North Kingstown, R.I. To read more about Edesia or to make an online donation, visit the Westminster website.]

Offertory: Vielle Romance by R. Baton

Reading by Rev. Nancy Shaffer

Sermon:  “Returning Thanks”

Closing Hymn: #226 People Look East

Closing Words by Mark Belletini

Carry the Flame