OOS 12-11-22

OOS 12-11-22
The Human Side of Miracle Making”
Led by Rev. DL Helfer

This season’s full of paths that lead to joy beyond our usual knowing. As we consider one such miracle, Hannukah, we open ourselves, too, to the human side of miracle-making.


Soul Matters Theme: Wonder


Thank you to our Worship Volunteers: Worship Partner Amy Abel; our Ushers: Renee Buckliln and Tina Lozano

Welcome and Announcements

Chalice Lighting

Prelude:  Preludium by M. Van Den Gheyn

Opening Words: “For Five Thousand Years or More,” Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson

Opening Hymn: #389 Gathered Here
Gathered here in the mystery of the hour. Gathered here in one strong body. Gathered here in the struggle and the power. Spirit, draw near. 

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Time for All Ages

Children’s Recessional
As you journey  –  As you journey
May you know  –  May you know
Love and hope go with you  –
Love and hope go with you
Learn and grow  –  Learn and grow

~Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques, Words by Ann Hossler

Joys and Sorrows

Piano Interlude: Variation D”Hiver by Pechemelba


Sung Response:  #123 Spirit of Life
Spirit of Life, come unto me. Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion. Blow in the wind, rise in the sea; move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice. Roots hold me close; wings set me free; Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me. 

Stewardship Testimonial: Amy Prisco

Call for the Offering:  Westminster’s Share the plate for December is Community Music Works. Community Music Works Mission is to create a cohesive urban community through music education and performance that transforms the lives of children, families, and musicians. Their model is centered around the teaching, mentoring, program design, and performance activities of our musicians-in-residence, the MusicWorks Collective. Community Works Students live predominantly in Providence’s South Side neighborhoods, receive instruments free of charge, and participate in a variety of activities, including lessons, studio classes, and workshops. CMW was founded on a commitment to social justice. To donate click www.westminsteruu.org/donate.

Offertory: Impromptu by Schubert

Reading: “The Moment of Magic,” by Rev. Victoria Safford


Sermon: “The Human Side of Miracle Making”

Closing hymn: #131 Love Will Guide Us
1 Love will guide us, peace has tried us, hope inside us will lead the way on the road from greed to giving. Love will guide us through the hard night. 

2 If you cannot sing like angels, if you cannot speak before thousands, you can give from deep within you. You can change the world with your love. 

3 Love will guide us, peace has tried us, hope inside us will lead the way on the road from greed to giving. Love will guide us through the hard night. 

Closing Words: “The Miracle in the Mundane,” Kyle Johnson

Carry the Flame