Christmas Day 10:00 AM OOS

12/25/2022 – Christmas and Cookies

Rev. Eric hosts this very informal gathering at the Parish House on Christmas morning.  All are welcome. Please bring Christmas cookies to share.  All are also invited to share a story or two about a special Christmas from their past, present, or (a la Unitarian author, Charles Dickens) future.


Chalice Lighting

Music River by Joni Mitchell  

Opening Words 

Opening Song:  I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day by Johnny Marks Composer  Lyricist: Henry Wordsworth Longfellow

*Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Joys and Sorrows

A Humanist Christmas Exhortation by Rev. Roger Greeley

That there may be love – I will be loving.
That there may be peace – I will be peaceful.
That there may be joy – I will be joyous.
That there may be warmth – I will be warm.
That there may be kindness – I will be kind.
That there may be friendship – I will be a friend.

Music Christmas in the Trenches by John Mccutcheon

Reading Christmas in spite of Me by Max Coots

Sharing Stories

Closing words