Order of Service- 3-16-2025 10:00 AM
Trusting the Wisdom of Community
Led by Rev. Deborah Bennett
Time for All Ages: Rev. Jeannette Bessinger
Worship Partner: Al Jeffries
Lay Pastoral Care Associate: Anthony Wilson
Ushers: John and Jan Searles (Sanctuary), Bob Walker (Smith Hall)
Coffee Angels: Sharing Locker
Pianist: Nonetta Shatakhtsian
Tech Hosts: Lance Collins
Gathering Music
*Westminster Choir I See Colors
Welcome Al Jeffries
Chalice Lighting
Call to Worship words by Gretchen Haley, Rev. Deborah
*Hymn #347 Gather in Spirit
Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another
Time for All Ages Rev. J
Children Recessional -Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques
As you journey – As you journey
May you know – May you know
Love and hope go with you –
Love and hope go with you
Learn and grow – Learn and grow
Volunteer Call-In Let’s get social! Sonya Morton-Ranney
Call for the Offering: The Gentle Farm welcomes all visitors, including those living with dementia, those experiencing trauma, folks of all abilities, grandparents with their grandchildren, moms, dads, teens, toddlers, and everyone else. The farm is home to goats, chickens, rabbits, donkeys, and mini horses. Since opening in 2020, the Gentle Farm has welcomed visitors of all ages, abilities, and stages of life. While there is no fee for visiting, donations are still welcome. Click HERE to donate.
Time for Centering Rev. Deborah
Joys and Sorrows Anthony Wilson
To share your personal joy or sorrow with the congregation please fill out a joys and sorrows card located at the front door prior to service. A lay pastoral care team member will be available after service if you would like to speak with someone.
Sung Prayer #402 From You I Receive
Sermon Trusting the Wisdom of Community, Rev. Deborah
*Closing Hymn #1008 When Our Heart Is In a Holy Place
Closing Words by Parker Palmer
*Extinguishing the Chalice:
Carry the Flame of Peace and Love until we Meet Again (Repeat)