Pressing the Pause Button

September’s Spiritual Practice Offering from Your Director of Spiritual Development

There’s a Hebrew word that appears 74 different times in the Bible that doesn’t have a clear English translation: Selah. It’s a pointer to the spiritual concept of taking a pause and just allowing things to be as they are. Sometimes that pause is indicated for reflection, sometimes for listening, sometimes for preparation, sometimes for praise or gratitude.

It seems to be an invitation to make just a little bit of space for what is happening in this moment – an invitation into right now.

It’s a wonderful, simple, spiritual practice to invoke this concept of taking a tiny break to pause and make some space around what’s already here. In my work as a spiritual companion, I often recommend this to clients as a “first practice”, something to invoke before beginning any other spiritual practice.

Taking a short pause to just notice and allow how we are in the moment, before doing anything to change our state, is intrinsically grounding. It’s calming to the nervous system and relaxing to the mind.

Paradoxically, first invoking Selah (I call it “pressing the pause button”) to let yourself be as you are, even when you’re uncomfortable and stressed out, can help you settle faster than just jumping right into a relaxation practice. Taking a moment to allow your tense body to just be tight before you start to stretch or relax it can help your muscles begin to unclench on their own.

If this resonates with you, give it a try and let me know how it goes….

In love & care,

Jeannette Bessinger (she/her) – Rev J
Director of Spiritual Development
Westminster Unitarian Church