Author: Marisa Albini

Visitor Information

We are living in unprecedented times. This was the case even before the coronavirus hit, but it’s even more true now. Big change is happening all around us, it’s been happening for a while now, and it’s calling us to ask big questions. Not just practical ones like, how do I keep myself and my … Continue reading Visitor Information

OOS 10-11-20

Listening to the Past – A Sermon on Indigenous People’s Day Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras Welcome and Announcements by Amy Abel, Worship Partner Chalice Lighting by Erik Walker Wikstrom Prelude: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr by J.C. Bach played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian Opening Words by Jessica Purple Rodela Opening Hymn: Gathered Here … Continue reading OOS 10-11-20

OOS 10-4-20

OOS for 10-4-20 UU the Vote Chalice Lighting & Call to Worship by Sana Saeed, Central East Region Congregational Life Staff, Unitarian Universalist Association. Opening Hymn:      Love Will Guide, Amanda Thomas, Music Director, Second Unitarian Church of Chicago; Carl Kennedy Accompanist Time for All Ages   Christina Rivera, Lead Ministry Team, Church of Larger … Continue reading OOS 10-4-20

OOS 9-27-20

Welcome and Announcements – Worship Partner Chalice Lighting By Bets Wienecke Prelude Symphony #6 Pastoral Theme by L.V.Beethoven,  played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian Opening Words John Saxon Opening Hymn: Morning Has Come words and music by Jason Shelton, vocals: Jason Shelton Unison Affirmation Love is the spirit of this church And service its law This is … Continue reading OOS 9-27-20

OOS 9-20-20

OOS for 9-20-20 Welcome and Announcements by Al Jeffries Chalice Lighting by Rev. Lois Van Leer Prelude: So Simple by M. Miladin, played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian Opening Words by Scott Taylor Opening Hymn: Come Come Whoever You Are Unison Affirmation Love is the spirit of this church And service its law This is our great … Continue reading OOS 9-20-20

Connection Groups will be starting in October!

Times for this year: 3rd Monday 10-11:30 AM, 3rd Monday 7-8:30 PM, 3rd Tuesday 7-8:30 PM, 3rd Wed 7-8:30 PM, 3rd Thursday 7-8:30 PM. Watch for a signup form in upcoming e-blasts. The signup deadline will be Oct 4. To learn more about these groups, click here. Download QR 🡻

OOS 9-6-20

OOS 9-6-20 Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras Gathering Music Welcome and Announcements George Johnson Chalice Lighting: “The End Is the Beginning” (adapted) By Katie Gelfand Prelude Music played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian Opening Words by Rev. Gretchen Haley Greet Your Zoom Neighbor Hymn: #128 For All That Is Our Life sung by Jess Huetteman Unison Affirmation … Continue reading OOS 9-6-20

Thank You Postcard Writers!

Gratitude to the nineteen families who participated. For those who were able to attend the zoom party, Nellie Gorbea, our Secretary of State, made an appearance and shared with us what her office has been doing to make the voting process in RI both easier to navigate and more secure. It was a perfect opportunity … Continue reading Thank You Postcard Writers!