Author: Marisa Albini

Part-Time Sexton Needed for Church

The Westminster Unitarian Church in East Greenwich, RI is looking for a part-time Sexton, 12 hrs./week, year-round, $17.50 per hour, to provide general cleaning of Sanctuary and Parish House, scheduled event set-up and take down general maintenance functions of the church buildings, and landscaping care of the grounds. Must be able to work independently, manage … Continue reading Part-Time Sexton Needed for Church

Order of Service March 12, 2023

Order of Service 3-12-2023 “To Meet the Asking Years” Rev. Eric Cherry, Service Leader Rev. DL Helfer, Worship Partner Nonetta Shatakhtsian, Pianist Amy Crawford & Sandra Norris, Ushers Kamila Barzykowski, Lay Pastoral Care Associate Jan Searles and Kamila Barzykowski, Coffee Angels Tech Host: Jolanda Walters Chimes Welcome and Announcements Chalice Lighting Prelude “Fantasia” by G. … Continue reading Order of Service March 12, 2023

Order of Service March 5, 2023

Order of Service 3-5-2023 “The Human Stories of the Carceral State” Dr. Christopher West, Service Leader Stephen Conlon, Worship Partner Ken DiPrete and Nina Rose, Usher Meg Carroll, Lay Pastoral Care Associate Tech Host: Jolanda Walters   Chimes Welcome and Announcements Chalice Lighting by Thich Nhat Hanh Look deeply: I arrive in every second to … Continue reading Order of Service March 5, 2023

Order of Service February 26, 2023

Order of Service 2-26-2023 “Love as a Verb” Rev. DL Helfer, Service Leader Wendy Warburton, Worship Partner Renee Bucklin, Ushers Meg Carroll, Lay Pastoral Care Associate Tech Host: Jolanda Walters Chimes Welcome and Announcements Chalice “Lighting” by Rev Maureen Killoran Prelude If I Knew You by C. Gray Opening WordsOpening Hymn #131 Love Will Guide … Continue reading Order of Service February 26, 2023

Order of Service 2-19-23

Order of Service 2-19-2023 “Facing History: Unitarianism and William Howard Taft” Rev. Eric Cherry, Service Leader Renee Bucklin, Worship Partner Paula Greenwood and Nina Rose, Ushers Meg Carroll, Lay Pastoral Care Associate Tech Host: Liz Roper William Howard Taft may have been the most committed Unitarian layperson during the first half of the twentieth century. … Continue reading Order of Service 2-19-23

Order of Service 2-12-23

Order of Service 2-12-2023 “Side with Love” Sunday Rev. Eric Cherry, Service Leader Rev. DL Helfer, Worship Partner Kamila Barzykowski, Lay Pastoral Care Associate Tech Host: Liz Roper “Side with Love” is our denomination’s public advocacy ministry that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. But, ‘Siding’ with Love is also a choice that … Continue reading Order of Service 2-12-23

Order of Service 2-5-23

Order of Service 2-5-2023 “Miraculous Love” Rev. Eric Cherry, Service Leader Christine Ariel, Worship Partner Renee Bucklin, Usher Meg Carroll, Lay Pastoral Care Associate Tech Host: Jolanda Walter   “Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word ‘love’ here not merely … Continue reading Order of Service 2-5-23

OOS 1-29-23

OOS 1-29-2023 “In Praise of Mistakes” Rev. DL Helfer, Service Leader Rev. Eric Cherry, Worship Partner Kamila Barzykowski, Lay Pastoral Care Associate Barbara Scott, Coffee Angel Tech Host: Jolanda Walter   Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there – Rumi What if the core ask of Unitarian … Continue reading OOS 1-29-23

OOS 1-22-23

OOS 1-22-23 Fidelity in the 21st Century Rev. Eric Cherry, Service Leader Christine Ariel, Worship Partner Sue Bollens, Lay Pastoral Care Associate   Helen Keller famously noted that ‘True happiness… is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.’  This morning we’ll consider the spiritual aspects of loyalty, allegiance, and constancy in … Continue reading OOS 1-22-23