Author: Marisa Albini

OOS 1-15-23

OOS 1-15-23 Turn the World Around Rev. Eric Cherry, Service Leader Rev. DL Helfer, Worship Partner Sue Bollens, Lay Pastoral Care Associate Dr. King’s legacy of ministry, leadership, and martyrdom inspires people of faith to hold on to great dreams and accomplishments, but also to remember the tragedies and failures of the journey toward racial … Continue reading OOS 1-15-23

OOS 1-8-23

OOS 1-8-2023 “We Don’t Need to Be Whole to Be Loved” Led by Rev. DL Helfer A professor once told me that he had never met a person with too much self-compassion. Many of us judge ourselves with a critical lens – “I will be more worthy when (fill in the blank).” Today we consider … Continue reading OOS 1-8-23

OOS 1-1-23 10:00 AM

OOS 1-1-23 10:00 AM Recognizing Endings and Celebrating Beginnings Led by Rev. Eric Cherry As 2022 changes to 2023, we offer thanks and blessings for its having come, and for its passing. This informal service will include remembrances from the year that has ended, and inspiration for the year to come.     Westminster will … Continue reading OOS 1-1-23 10:00 AM

Christmas Day 10:00 AM OOS

12/25/2022 – Christmas and Cookies Rev. Eric hosts this very informal gathering at the Parish House on Christmas morning.  All are welcome. Please bring Christmas cookies to share.  All are also invited to share a story or two about a special Christmas from their past, present, or (a la Unitarian author, Charles Dickens) future. Welcome  … Continue reading Christmas Day 10:00 AM OOS

OOS 12-18-22

OOS 12-18-22 Centering in Solstice: An Intergenerational Worship Service Led by Rev. Eric Cherry As the winter solstice approaches let’s embrace an invitation to pause in the midst of the hectic rush and give the gift of rest, joy, and peace to ourselves and our congregation. The service this morning will be participatory and include … Continue reading OOS 12-18-22

OOS 12-11-22

OOS 12-11-22 “The Human Side of Miracle Making” Led by Rev. DL Helfer This season’s full of paths that lead to joy beyond our usual knowing. As we consider one such miracle, Hannukah, we open ourselves, too, to the human side of miracle-making.   Soul Matters Theme: Wonder   Thank you to our Worship Volunteers: … Continue reading OOS 12-11-22

OOS 12-4-22

OOS 12-4-22Service Date: 12/4/22 “Expanding the Mystery” Led by Rev. DL Helfer Today we explore the beauty of the not-knowing, the in-between spaces, and the questions to which we will never have answers.   Soul Matters Theme: Wonder Thank you to our Worship volunteers: Worship Partner Rev. Eric Cherry; Ushers: Renee Bucklin and Sandra Norris; and … Continue reading OOS 12-4-22