Author: Marisa Albini

Ushers Needed Sunday Services

Ushers are needed for the remainder three services left in this church year and for the 2022 summer service. Please consider signing up by clicking HERE. Please email Stephen Conlon at or at 401-863-2593 (he has voicemail). THANK YOU!!!! Download QR 🡻

Our June 2022 Share the Plate Recipient is Yemen Aid

The Yemeni civil war has led to the largest humanitarian crisis on earth. Yemen Aid provides urgent aid and long-term sustainable projects by varying aid from district to district and province to province within the Republic of Yemen. Yemen’s current conflict has over two-thirds of the country’s population facing imminent starvation and famine and half … Continue reading Our June 2022 Share the Plate Recipient is Yemen Aid


OOS 06-26-22 Dearest Desmond  – a remembrance of the beautiful life of Archbishop Desmond Tutu Led by Stephen Conlon  Thank you to our Worship Partner Al Jeffries and our Ushers Sandra Norris and Mort White Welcome and Announcements Chalice Lighting from The Book of Joy – a conversation between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu … Continue reading 6-26-22


A Good Goodbye: Gratitude, Sadness, and Celebration Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras Thank you to our worship volunteers. Worship Partners: Amy Abel, George Johnson, and Tracey Wysor; Our Lay Pastoral Care Associate: Sue Bollens; Our Ushers:  Deb Weaver and Renee Bucklin. Welcome and Announcements  Chalice Lighting  by Vance Bass Prelude: Berceuse by M.A. Labolida Opening … Continue reading 6-19-22

OOS 6-12-22

OOS 6-12-22| Appreciation Sunday Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras Thank you to our Worship volunteers: Worship Partner: Sarah Quigg; Lay Pastoral Care Associate: Kamila Barzykowski; and our Usher: Sandra Norris Welcome and Announcements Chalice Lighting by Pat Hoertdoerfer (adapted) Prelude: Can You Hear the Flower Song by L. Orsa Opening Words by Andrew Backus (adapted) … Continue reading OOS 6-12-22

OOS 6-5-22

OOS DRAFT 6-05 Bridging Service/Recognition Sunday The Invisible Web Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras Thank you to our worship volunteers: Worship Partner: Sarah Quigg and our Ushers Linda Hartley and Doris Poisson Welcome and Announcements  Chalice Lighting by Eric A Heller-Wagner Prelude: Sarabanda by J. Elias Opening Words  by Rev. Scott Taylor Opening Hymn: #38 … Continue reading OOS 6-5-22

Announcing the Westminster Community Yard Sale! June 25 Volunteers and Donations needed

Westminster will hold a yard sale on 6/25 from 8:30-3pm in the parking lot unless the weather requires us to move indoors to Smith Hall. We are asking for the following items to be donated: Books for children and adults, paperback and hardback (NO TEXTBOOKS) Clothes for children and adults and accessories (belts, handbags, scarves, … Continue reading Announcing the Westminster Community Yard Sale! June 25 Volunteers and Donations needed

Exciting Sharing Locker Update

EXCITING SHARING LOCKER UPDATE We are thrilled to announce that the Sharing Locker will resume its popular backpack program that had been suspended for two years due to Covid.  Registration for our clients’ children, grades kindergarten through high school, will take place during the June 18 and July 16th Sharing Locker openings.  Backpacks will be … Continue reading Exciting Sharing Locker Update

OOS 5-29-22

OOS 5-29-22 The Gathering of the Community Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh Thank you to our Worship Partner: Deb Weaver Gathering Chime Welcome and Announcements Unison Chalice Lighting: “In This Time of Uncertainty” by Ann Williams Clark Prelude: Sonata by H. Purcell Land Acknowledgement Our Call to Communal Spirit:  #48 From Lifting Our Voices … Continue reading OOS 5-29-22

OOS 5-22-22

OOS 5-22-22 Coming of Age Service: Discovery of Beliefs – MultiGen Led by Vivian Ives; Gillian Prisco; Roz Bassen-Alexander; Evan Wysor; Ronan Hevenor; Alex Cambre; and James Seal. Thank you to our Worship Partners: Rev. Ellen Quaadgras and DRE Jessica Hess and our Usher: Amy Abel Chimes: Gillian Prisco and Roz Bassen-Alexander Welcome and Announcements … Continue reading OOS 5-22-22