Speaker: Rev. Eric Cherry

Worship Sunday January 28, 2024

“Disrupted by Grace” I’m ever on the lookout for unexpected interruptions of difficult life pathways, or unfulfilling routines, that result in unforeseen – or even previously unimaginable – changes.  Sometimes these interruptions are easily explainable or understood, and sometimes they aren’t.  In either case, they qualify as a kind of Grace. Note: We use YouTube … Continue reading Worship Sunday January 28, 2024

Worship Sunday, January 14

MLK Day: Bayard Rustin’s Legacy This morning we turn to the life story of Bayard Rustin on MLK Day. Rustin was a righteous crusader for Racial Justice, Peace, and Gay Rights throughout his life – and a part of the inner circle of leaders who, along with King, kept the Civil Rights Movement strong. His … Continue reading Worship Sunday, January 14

Worship, Sunday November 19, 2023

We Give Thanks: The Generosity of Diversity This morning we gather to remember our gratitude for the many gifts of life, even during challenging times, especially the blessings of diversity.  We’ll share an intergenerational bread communion during the service, as is traditional for Westminster.   The service will take place in Smith Hall this morning. There … Continue reading Worship, Sunday November 19, 2023

Worship November 5, 2023 “Coming Home”

 “Coming Home” Unitarian Universalism embraces the importance of exploration.  We believe it is a great benefit to depart from the familiar and experience the breadth and beauty of diverse spiritual landscapes. But, the related experience of returning from exploration and knowing that you are back home is powerful beyond words.  This morning we remember the … Continue reading Worship November 5, 2023 “Coming Home”

Worship Sunday, October 29, 2023 “Guided by Ancestors”

Hallowed tradition teaches that at this corner of the year the veil between the living and the departed thins. Religious celebrations like Samhain, All Souls and All Saints Day, and Halloween invite us to feel the presence of ancestors. We’ll be together intergenerationally for this morning’s service. And, we invite individuals and families to bring … Continue reading Worship Sunday, October 29, 2023 “Guided by Ancestors”

Worship Sunday October 15, 2023 “Generosity Sunday: Big Love, Generous Faith”

“Generosity Sunday:  Big Love, Generous Faith”Westminster Unitarian Church has transformed lives since 1822, and our region needs our congregation to be courageous and welcoming now more than ever. This morning we remember the blessings that our church brings to our lives and the community. It is a special joy to welcome the Reverend Barbara Fast … Continue reading Worship Sunday October 15, 2023 “Generosity Sunday: Big Love, Generous Faith”