Speaker: Rev. Eric Cherry

Worship Sunday, September 10, 2023 Homecoming and Water Communion

Homecoming and Water Communion – Intergenerational Service Westminster begins its new church year with a special celebration. We gather to celebrate community, remember our blessings, and seek inspiration for the days ahead. Be sure to bring a little water with you – perhaps from a place you visited over the summer, or from the kitchen … Continue reading Worship Sunday, September 10, 2023 Homecoming and Water Communion

Worship Sunday, August 6, 2023 – 10:00 AM Hiroshima Day: Paths of Peace

Summer Services in-person in Smith Hall Westminster participates in Hiroshima Remembrance Day this morning. We’ll look back to the horror experienced by the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and recommit to the ‘paths of peace’ that we are called to. This morning we’ll also install and dedicate a new ‘Peace Pole” at Westminster Church. No … Continue reading Worship Sunday, August 6, 2023 – 10:00 AM Hiroshima Day: Paths of Peace

Worship Sunday, July 23, 2023 A Church at Pooh Corner

Summer Services in-person in Smith Hall A Church at Pooh Corner Winnie-the-Pooh and friends have been special companions for many generations of people over decades. They have soothed us, instructed us, reminded us of deep truths, and invited us into living with depth and meaning. This morning we’ll explore the spiritual truths found within these … Continue reading Worship Sunday, July 23, 2023 A Church at Pooh Corner

Worship Sunday, June 18, 2023 “Embracing the Questions”

It’s an annual tradition in many UU congregations for the minister to hold a “Question Box” sermon. We’ll give that a try this morning. You are welcome to submit questions to Rev. Eric ahead of time at this email address – questionbox@westminsteruu.org. He promises not to look at them until Sunday morning. Or, you can … Continue reading Worship Sunday, June 18, 2023 “Embracing the Questions”

Worship Sunday, June 11, 2023 “The Living Tradition at Westminster”

This morning’s very special service is a chance to remember, with delight, the many blessings we find at Westminster year after year – but especially during the past year. We’ll celebrate the Bridging – from Youth to Young Adulthood – of three amongst us. We’ll appreciate the 30 people who served as Religious Education teachers at … Continue reading Worship Sunday, June 11, 2023 “The Living Tradition at Westminster”

Worship Sunday, May 21, 2023

“Patriotism and Religious Liberalism” There are many layers of complexity surrounding ‘patriotism’ for religious liberals.  We commonly hold a deep love of the idealistic and foundational values that have served as guiding lights for our country.  Nevertheless, we commit to honest consideration and acceptance of the terrible wrongs that our country has so often perpetrated.  … Continue reading Worship Sunday, May 21, 2023

Worship Sunday May 14, 2023 MultiGen Mother’s Day Video

Intergenerational Service: The Flower Communion This year is the 100th anniversary of our Flower Communion tradition.  The first Unitarian Flower Ceremony was held in Prague, in June 1923, led by Rev. Norbert Čapek. For decades, this beloved tradition and its powerful history have provided meaning to hundreds of UU congregations.   We’ll celebrate our annual communion … Continue reading Worship Sunday May 14, 2023 MultiGen Mother’s Day Video

Worship Sunday April 30, 2023 “Powerlessness and Faith”

Worship Sunday, April 30, 2023 Please check the Covid Level on our website HERE. If levels are low-medium masking is encouraged but not required. If levels are high masking is required. Multiplatform Service – In-person in the Sanctuary “Powerlessness and Faith” Much of the time we think of faith as a kind of power – or … Continue reading Worship Sunday April 30, 2023 “Powerlessness and Faith”