Speaker: Rev. Eric Cherry

Worship Sunday April 9, 2023 Easter Sunday

“Joy Comes in the Morning” People come back to life over and over again – after struggles, after losses, after hopelessness. This morning we return to the empty tomb – the place where suffering transformed to hope – reminded of the blessed morning that invites and awaits.   Download QR 🡻

Worship Sunday, April 2, 2023 – “Choosing Liberation”

“Choosing Liberation” Passover and Palm Sunday are arriving. And, each year it’s important to remember that they exist as independent spiritual pathways with unique rituals and legacies – each independently powerful and meaningful. But, with abiding respect for their independence, it’s powerful to recognize what they share. This morning we’ll remember the collision that took … Continue reading Worship Sunday, April 2, 2023 – “Choosing Liberation”

Worship March 19, 2023 Waking to Cosmos: An Intergenerational Pageant

The Universe Story is a dynamic, participatory, all-ages, no-rehearsal pageant created by a fellow UU and inspired by The Great Story. It tells the epic 14 billion-year story of the unfolding of the cosmos and the evolution of life on earth. A true pageant, this narrated story will be dramatized by a procession of participants … Continue reading Worship March 19, 2023 Waking to Cosmos: An Intergenerational Pageant

Worship Sunday, February 19, 2023 10:00 AM

Please check the Covid Level on our website HERE. If levels are low-medium masking is encouraged but not required. If levels are high masking is required. Multiplatform Service – In-person in the Sanctuary “Facing History: Unitarianism and William Howard Taft” William Howard Taft may have been the most committed Unitarian layperson during the first half of … Continue reading Worship Sunday, February 19, 2023 10:00 AM

Worship Sunday, February 12, 2023 10:00 AM

Please check the Covid Level on our website HERE. If levels are low-medium masking is encouraged but not required. If levels are high masking is required. Multiplatform Service – In-person in the Sanctuary   “Side With Love” Sunday “Side with Love” is our denomination’s public advocacy ministry that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. … Continue reading Worship Sunday, February 12, 2023 10:00 AM

Worship Sunday January 22, 2023 Service Video

Fidelity in the 21st Century – Led by Rev. Eric Cherry Helen Keller famously noted that ‘True happiness… is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.’  This morning we’ll consider the spiritual aspects of loyalty, allegiance, and constancy in our lives and culture – and how to remain faithful to our … Continue reading Worship Sunday January 22, 2023 Service Video

Worship Sunday, January 15, 2023 Video

Turn the World Around Dr. King’s legacy of ministry, leadership, and martyrdom inspires people of faith to hold on to great dreams and accomplishments, but also to remember the tragedies and failures of the journey toward racial justice. ‘Turning the world around’ requires faithful solidarity, acceptance of how white supremacy culture is stubbornly at work, … Continue reading Worship Sunday, January 15, 2023 Video

Worship News Year Day January 1, 2023 4:00 PM

A New Year Fire Communion We gather to begin the New Year with a UU ritual of letting go, cleansing, setting intentions, and re-claiming hope.  People of all ages are welcome.  The service will take place outdoors with a bonfire, weather permitting, so dress accordingly.  We’ll begin at 4:00 PM.     Download QR 🡻