Women of Westminster Fall 2025

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September 12      Barbie Movie with movie-themed concession station of treats and drinks as well as a fresh popcorn customization buffet provided by Eve and Susan

September 19      Fall Equinox/Post Cards for Get Out the Vote

September 26      Brief History of the Future Part 1 on PBS (Episode 3 Once Upon a Time)Eve & Susan

October 3             Brief History of the Future Part 2 on PBS (Episode 5 Together) Eve & Susan

October 10           Sweet Berry Farm Middletown (carpool 11 o’clock)

October 17           Greenline Apothecary Wakefield (carpool at 11 o’clock)

October 24           SAMHAIN [ALL HALLOWS EVE] Celebration [Meet at Labyrinth Pilgrim Lutheran Church

                             1817 Warwick Ave, Warwick] Potluck at Charlann’s house.

October 31           No meeting as it is Halloween

November 7        visit Washington County Stables in Richmond, RI We’re carpooling from church at 12:30.

November 14       Soul Collage @ Charlann’s house at 3pm

November 21       Game Night 7-9

November 28       THANKSGIVING DAY (no meeting)

December 5          ????

December 12        Make centerpieces for Holiday Bazaar

December 15        Sunday Christmas Bazaar

December 19        Winter Solstice

December 26         Kwanza [Nina]

January 2               Potluck/Planning

Tuesday, Sept. 17 — 10:34 p.m. — Corn Moon    Signifying the corn harvesting period.

Thursday, Oct. 17 — 7:26 a.m.    — Hunter’s Moon Commemorating the hunting season preceding winter.

Friday, Nov. 15 — 4:28 p.m.         — Beaver Moon Reflects the time when beavers are busy building their Winter dams

Sunday, Dec. 15 — 4:02 a.m.       — Cold Moon Evocative of winter’s chill.