Adult Religious Education Events
An Adult Religious Education (ARE) Program is a program that is primarily educational, spiritual or both. Although Programs and Events can overlap in this definition, Religious Education Programs involve the dissemination of any educational information and are led in an educational format. i.e. group meeting, classroom, round table discussion, book presentation or movies with discussion. Events are social gatherings that promote church community or raise funds for the church.
How to book your Adult Religious Education (ARE) Programs or Events:
ARE Programs: Submit your request for ARE Programs to the ARE Committee on the ARE Program Proposal Form. The Office Administrator will book the date on the church calendar. The program will be reviewed at the next ARE meeting. More urgent request will be submitted directly to the Minister for approval. If the program does not overlap other programs and is appropriate in meeting Westminster UU’s Mission, the calendar date will remain and no further communication with the Office Administrator is necessary. If not, either an ARE member or the Minister will inform the Office Administrator of any calendar change.