As part of living out Westminster’s mission to SERVE and to CONNECT, Caring Hands Helpers provide short-term support to church members, families, and friends. In times of acute need, our Caring Hands volunteers provide rides to appointments (and to church when we are in-person), run errands for people who are homebound (like grocery and medication deliveries and library returns), and provide prepared meals. Caring Hands volunteers also serve as monthly card-writers, sending cards to members and friends offering cheer, hope, and support. 

Are you interested in becoming a Caring Hands Helper? Please join us! As a Caring Hands volunteer you decide which service(s) interest you – providing rides, running errands, making a meal, or card-writing – and you lend a hand as you are able. 

Ready to serve? Fill out this short form or email Let us know if you are interested in card-writing, providing rides, running errands, and/or making meals, and the best way to contact you.

Do you want to request help from Caring Hands? Visit the Caring Hands Request page to learn more.

To learn about our recent transition from Caring Circle to Caring Hands, as well as how the new team works, please watch this 10-minute video:



More on how it works:

Caring Hands Helpers Providing Rides/Errands/Meals

When a request is received by the Caring Hands Coordinating Team an email is sent to the list of Caring Hands Helpers who have indicated interest in providing the type of service requested. A summary of the request is in the email (for example, the date, time and approximate address of the pick up and the appointment or the period of time when meals are needed).

If you are able to meet that request, you will click on a link to see if the request is still open. If it is, you type in your name, “claiming” that request, and a Caring Hands Coordinator will contact you to provide you with all the details you need. If the request has already been filled by another Caring Hands Helper, you click away. 

And if that particular request doesn’t work for you, simply ignore the initial email. With many Caring Hands Helpers we are sure to have someone available to fulfill the need! 

Caring Hands Helpers Writing Cards

Card-writers sign up to write cards weekly for one month. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together!  

Card-writing supplies, postage, a directory, and a tip sheet are picked up or delivered at the beginning of the month. Each week the Caring Hands card-writer receives an email with a transcript of the prior Sunday’s “Joys and Sorrows” which is used to help decide where to send cards. 

A Caring Hands Coordinator is available to answer any questions or concerns that may come up during the month. 

Ready to serve? Fill out this short form or email Let us know if you are interested in card-writing, providing rides, running errands, and/or making meals and the best way to contact you.