Archives: Services

Earth Day

  More information coming soon.   To view the Order of Service, click HERE. To fill out a Joys and Sorrows Form, click HERE. To join the service via Zoom, click HERE. Note: We use YouTube to live-stream our Sunday worship services on our church website.   Sunday worship services are simulcast on the large LCD screen in Smith … Continue reading Earth Day

The Young People of Westminster Unitarian: Why Do Our RE Programs Matter? – MultiGen

Please join us for a special service led by the children and youth of our Youth Religious & Spiritual Exploration Program (YRE). Our young people will share a bit about their different YRE classes and other programs and why they feel that what they’re learning and doing is important – to them, to our community, … Continue reading The Young People of Westminster Unitarian: Why Do Our RE Programs Matter? – MultiGen

Renouncing FOMO

Our world is now filled with an almost endless array of places to “Google,” people to follow, and things to comment on. And yet, just like a meal at the local all-you-can-eat buffet, we all know what happens when we try to take in more than we can digest. Alas, even though we know this, … Continue reading Renouncing FOMO

Room for Every Body: Disability Inclusion in Our Faith

  The Unitarian Universalist tradition offers that each person is worthy of love, dignity, and respect—regardless of their abilities. Together, we will reflect on the profound importance of disability inclusion within our religious communities, drawing on the Unitarian Universalist principles of justice, equity, and compassion. We will explore how we can actively break down barriers—both … Continue reading Room for Every Body: Disability Inclusion in Our Faith