The Universe Story is a dynamic, participatory, all-ages, no-rehearsal pageant created by a fellow UU and inspired by The Great Story. It tells the epic 14 billion-year story of the unfolding of the cosmos and the evolution of life on earth.
A true pageant, this narrated story will be dramatized by a procession of participants colorfully representing the various players in the story – from chemical elements and planets to insects and humans.
This will take place during the Sunday Service at Westminster Unitarian Church on March 19, 2023, at 10 AM. This will be an intergenerational service – people of all ages are warmly welcomed to take part in the pageant.
When you opt to participate, you are granted an artistic license to create your own costume which makes this spectacle so fun and unique to our congregation.
Please speak to Rev. Eric if you’d like to take a part. Thank you!
You can also participate via Zoom. You’ll need to have three items to show on your zoom camera during different parts of the service: Stars, Lightning bolts, and Dinosaurs. You can gather these ahead of time in any way that you’d like.
Or, print the three sheets below and you can show them on your camera:
Sheet 1: Stars
Sheet 2: Lightning
Sheet 3: Dinosaurs