Worship Sunday October 20, 2024

Stewardship Sunday: A Year of Joyful Possibilities and New Beginnings

At the beginning of every journey, says Joseph Campbell is a call to adventure. These calls come in small ways that can determine our day’s activities and in large ways that can change the very course of our lives. When we hear these calls from deep within, and listen with a loving heart we are often ushered into a new beginning with an abundance of joyful possibilities. When have you heard the call and answered it?

To view the Order of Service, click HERE.

To fill out a Joys and Sorrows Form, click HERE.

Please check COVID levels on the Westminster website. If the level is ‘low’ or ‘medium,’ mask-wearing is recommended but optional at Westminster. If the level is ‘high,’ mask-wearing is required.

Note: We use YouTube to live-stream our Sunday worship services on our church website.  

Sunday worship services are simulcast on the large LCD screen in Smith Hall on Sunday morning. If you have trouble finding a seat in the Sanctuary or would be more comfortable in a more open space, you can watch the service in Smith Hall.