Worship Sunday September 22, 2024

Is Peace Possible?

Mahatma Gandhi offers us a simple vision for achieving peace, saying, “The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.” In his work to overcome colonial rule in his county, the great leader and spiritual guide consistently invited his followers to harness the power of peace and nonviolence as justice making tools. A decade later MLK embraced this message as he worked for racial justice in America. But what about now? With so much war and violence, is peace just an out of reach dream or is it possible to embrace the wisdom of past leaders to give peace a chance now? Can we find justice and peace together? 

To view the Order of Service, click HERE.

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Please check COVID levels on the Westminster website. If the level is ‘low’ or ‘medium,’ mask-wearing is recommended but optional at Westminster. If the level is ‘high’ mask-wearing is required.

Note: We use YouTube to live-stream our Sunday worship services on our church website.  

Sunday worship services are simulcast on the large LCD screen in Smith Hall on Sunday morning. If you have trouble finding a seat in the Sanctuary or would be more comfortable being in a more open space, you’re welcome to watch the service in Smith Hall.